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Irregular Routine

Leviticus 7:28-9:6

Mark 3:31-4:25

Psalm 37:12-29

Proverbs 10:5

Today was an unusual day for me. I had a different shift at work that threw my routine. I tried to blog in the morning and that didn't happen, so here I am in my usual position blogging right before bed. But now I'm even especially tired just because of the different routine.

The other odd thing about today's routine was that I read the reading throughout the day. I read Leviticus in the morning, Mark on my lunch break, and the Psalm and Proverbs right now before bed. So I was thinking different things all day...meditating on different thoughts the Scriptures brought to mind.

I thought about the Law and how holy God is this morning. I thought about evangelism and praying for the hearts of those who receive the Word at my lunch break. And tonight I've spent some time grieving over the school shooting in Florida last week and I'm thinking about how much evil is in our world and how much hope we all need. "The Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming."

All in all I think I've been thinking today about wanting to take obedience to Jesus more and more seriously. I want to follow Him with reckless abandon. I am already secure. No matter what anyone tries to do to me: I am safe. God loves me and Jesus has saved my life, eternal life is mine! I can obey, obey, obey to the point of not being like, to the point of losing my job, to the point of becoming lonely, to the point of losing my life. I can obey, because I am okay no matter what: it is well with my soul.



Leviticus 9:7-10:20

Mark 4:26-5:20

Psalm 37:30-40

Proverbs 10:6-7

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