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Jeremiah and the Wise Men

1 Kings 14:1-15:24

Acts 10:1-23a

Psalm 133:1-3

Proverbs 17:7-8

So according to the very first thing that popped up on Google (you're welcome), Jeremiah was the one who wrote 1 and 2 Kings. And I wanted to look that up for the simple fact that I kind of found the writer a little sassy. I liked the way he wrote at the end of every account "as to the other it not all written in the annals of the kings of Judah?" Like, "what do you want from me? Go find out somewhere else!" I think it's funny to think of it like that but also I know he's just backing himself up, "I didn't make this up." And also, he shouldn't have to write about every detail of a king's reign if it doesn't matter to the grand scheme of things. Jeremiah is writing about God, not the insignificant details of each and every wicked or good king.

I am reminded of what I learned about Jeremiah. He is the weeping prophet. He is tirelessly obedient to God but he is also very hurt and drained by it all...I can't imagine the task of writing about the many, many sad kings of Judah.

In Acts Peter does the very progressive and revolutionary thing of allowing Gentiles into his home! It's a big moment because it sets the stage for what Jesus is doing in the church: bridging gaps...welcoming all into His family.

But God has been doing this all along. On this vacation I've been re-reading Francine Rivers's "Lineage of Grace." Throughout Israel's history and throughout Jesus's lineage specifically God grafted non-Hebrews into His chosen people. There were non-Hebrews throughout history who bowed down to the might and glory of the One true God and God honored their faith. Tamar, Rahab, and Ruth. But until this point the decision to allow a non-Hebrew into the family was cautious...for as God said it was foreigners (not the 3 women listed) who led Israel astray. Now Jesus created a safe and wide open road for all who put their faith in Him. God has always been for those who believe in Him.

Francine Rivers opened my eyes to another instance where Hebrews allowed Gentile presence into their homes...long before Peter and Cornelius. Mary and Joseph allowed the wise men to enter their home when they came to see baby Jesus. This was radical and how could they know it was allowed? Jesus couldn't even talk yet much less give them explicit permission to allow Gentiles beyond their threshold! But again, God has always been for those who believe in Him and the faith of the wise men must have been unmistakeable.

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