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1 Chronicles 11:1-12:18

Acts 28:1-31

Psalm 9:1-12

Proverbs 19:1-3

Tonight the message I am hearing is the same I've been hearing all year long...nothing is impossible...obey...act in faith....keep the bold like Paul....not in a legalistic way...but in an exciting NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE way.

God can melt hearts of stone!!

I feel weary. Physically and spiritually. I know God is using me but I get weary because I want to see results. It seems like so much work in the meantime waiting to see results. I want to see fruit, I want to see the harvest. And I will...someday.

I guess tonight as I hear all these same messages of God's power and to obey and all that, I am desperate for the fruits of the Spirit. I need peace, namely. Patience and joy. Patience and joy! I need them all. Because it's hard work...this isn't and working in the world. I'm very tired and I feel very inadequate. I need strength.

And I need to remember: nothing is impossible.

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