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Lord of All
1 Kings 12:20-13:34 Acts 9:26-43 Psalm 132:1-18 Proverbs 17:6 How is it that after all this time someone can make a golden calf and the...
Day 72: Light
Daniel 7:1-28 1 John 1:1-10 Psalm 119:153-176 Proverbs 28:23-24 "God is light; in him there is no darkness at all" 1 John 1:5 Hallelujah....
Day 66: The Fight
Ezekiel 47:1-48:35 1 Peter 2:11-3:7 Psalm 119:49-64 Proverbs 28:12-13 Lord, I have a lot of thoughts today. What will You have me say?...
Day 49: "You Are What You Eat"
Ezekiel 16:42-17:24 Hebrews 8:1-12 Psalm 106:13-31 Proverbs 27:7-9 In May I did the Whole30. It's a diet that only lasts for 30 days. You...
Day 35: Counting on God
Jeremiah 44:24-47:7 2 Timothy 2:22-3:17 Psalm 94:1-23 Proverbs 26:6-8 It's amazing me today that I used to live my life not reading the...

Day 20: What the Snake Really Said
Jeremiah 12:1-14:10 1 Thessalonians 1:1-2:8 Psalm 79:1-13 Proverbs 24:30-34 This morning I woke up reflecting on this it feels...
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