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Keep My Lamp Burning
2 Chronicles 11:1-13:22 Romans 8:26-39 Psalm 18:37-50 Proverbs 19:27-29 For some reason I have been really, really uninterested in...

The Joy of the Lord
1 Chronicles 19:1-21:30 Romans 2:25-3:8 Psalm 11:1-7 Proverbs 19:10-12 This picture will make it onto my highlights page...but this week...
1 Chronicles 11:1-12:18 Acts 28:1-31 Psalm 9:1-12 Proverbs 19:1-3 Tonight the message I am hearing is the same I've been hearing all year...
Birthday Wishes
Today is my birthday, but we celebrated last night. We had a spaghetti dinner with family, like always. We got a lemon berry cream cake...
Lydia of Philippi
2 Kings 4:18-7:20 Acts 15:1-16:15 Psalm 141:1-142:7 Proverbs 17:23-25 The story of Lydia! Her story is short but obviously it has...
God Takes Care of Me
1 Kings 15:25-18:46 Acts 10:23b-11:30 Psalm 134:1-135:21 Proverbs 17:9-13 The story in 1 Kings 17 brought back memories of my time in...

"My Whole Being Waits"
1 Kings 9:1-10:29 Acts 8:14-40 Psalm 130:1-8 Proverbs 17:2-3 "I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope."...
The Sovereign Voice of God
1 Samuel 2:22-4:22 John 5:24-47 Psalm 106:1-12 Proverbs 14:30-31 The story when God calls Samuel in the middle of the night is really...

Day 200
200 days of Bible reading. Maybe I skipped a day every once in a while, burdening myself to catch up the next day...maybe I didn't always...

Right now I am bursting to talk about what happened today. Today I was able to baptize a new believer. She accepted Jesus March 4 and...
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