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Freely Give

Genesis 30:1-31:16

Matthew 10:1-23

Psalm 12:1-8

Proverbs 3:13-15

What are we doing if we are not living out our call as Christians to preach, heal, and exorcise?

What are we doing if we are not living in awareness and grief for the lost people we see day to day?

What are we doing if we are not tapping into the invigorating hope and joy that is ours?

If we have the authority, may we have the heart. The heart of compassion and courage. Compassion because we know how much the world needs Jesus. Courage because we know how much the world doesn't want Jesus.

"Freely you have received; freely give."

I think sometimes I'm afraid to share my faith or to pray aloud for someone or invite them to church because I think that they won't understand, they won't want it, they won't open their heart. But if I'm clearly so broken, selfish, arrogant, fearful, sinful...why should I think I'm the only one who could be moved by Jesus's love? Why should I think that anyone I meet isn't actually waiting and ready to hear about Jesus? Why should I think that anything should stop me from talking about Jesus?

Even if I am met with hostility, aren't I promised that the Spirit will give me words and wisdom?

We have to read the Bible every day...we have to tangibly remind ourselves of the gospel every day. Because I am tangibly reminded of the need for the gospel every day. Word of God, preach to my soul the truth, for it reminds me that it is I who is the ambassador for Christ.

We have to read the Bible every day, we have to remember how urgent this is. The world is lost and needing Jesus, and you and I know it. You and I can tell them. You and I can preach it and sing it. You and I can be the disciples.



Genesis 31:17-32:12

Matthew 10:24-11:6

Psalm 13:1-6

Proverbs 3:16-18

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